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Education Foundation
年度报告对一家公司有着很重要的角色,既然是那么实用的物品就更应该要美美的,于是米琪维斯接了这个案子,慈善机构的年报排版设计. 经过与客户交谈有了初步理解后,米琪维斯就开始收集格式各样合适的排版设计资料,然后再设计出合适该机构的排版设计,目的是要比以往的排版更亮眼之余也更容易阅读.
Mischievous Studios accept a task from foundation company. After have a basic communication with client,
Mischievous Studios start research and come out a suitable layout design concept for it. Our mission is make this task to more good look and more readable.

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